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单词 in spirit 例句大全,用单词in spirit造句:

In the process of the speech, ma Yun alludes for many times entrepreneur spirit.
在演讲的过程中, 马云多次提及企业家精神。
The fundamental spirit of science is in its cultivation of observational ability.
The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.
耶和华靠近伤心的人, 拯救灵性痛悔的人。
However, in the adult world, children's spirit has become a paradoxical existence.
This is the full meaning of the Bonn Agreement, in both the letter and the spirit.
Humanistic spirit in architectural composition of guildhall in the south of Sichuan
This South American cane spirit is likely the oldest distilled spirit in the world.
On How Carrying On and Developing DaQing Spirit and the Iron Man Spirit in New Period
The Seclusion Spirit of the Song Officers Affecting the Song Lyrics in the Song Dynasty
Aesthetic Value and National Spirit of the poems of Frontier Fortress in Prosperous Tang
The freshly abraded specimen must then be washed in industrial spirit and Analar acetone.
Some Party members don't act in accordance with Party spirit but persist in factionalism.
有得党员就是不讲党性, 坚持搞派性。
Some party members don't act in accordance with Party spirit but persist in factionalism.
有的党员就是不讲党性, 坚持搞派性。
But Shelleys skylark, being a Spirit soaring in heaven, is a pursuer for absolute freedom.
而雪莱的云雀却是翱翔长空的精灵, 是绝对自由的向往者
Admire everyone's beauty freely and drink in the perfume of Spirit that is all around you.
自在得欣赏每一个人得美, 饮下环绕著你得灵性芬芳。
From the essence, it is the explanation and clarification of aesthetic spirit in education.
Mk. 1 8 I have baptized you in water, but He Himself will baptize you in the Holy Spirit.
Application of Understanding Spirit, Curing Spirit and Full Attention in Acupuncture Clinic
The stone coffin called him Duke Spirit in advance, so historian entitled him as Duke Spirit.
The Study on the Pressure The heavy burden of life makes mediocre Rabbit unbalanced in spirit.
It'stirred a deep compassion in his heart for the physically afflicted and troubled in spirit.
On the inner delay as aesthetical characteristics of the tragic spirit in the western literature
In order to achieve stability and unity, we must eliminate factionalism and enhance Party spirit.
要安定团结, 就必须消除派性, 增强党性。
The life in the African equator tropical rain forest, is the extantbiggest spirit long item animal.
生活在非洲赤道热带雨林中, 是现存最大的灵长目动物。
One should discipline oneself in the spirit of autumn and live with others in the spirit of spring.
律己宜带秋气, 处世宜带春气。
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单词 in spirit 释义

  • 单词释义:精神上,心灵上  [更多..]



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