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单词 lamp light 例句大全,用单词lamp light造句:

Occurrence factors of flicker due to external light source such as fluorescent lamp
Lamps and lanterns, lamp decoration, lighting equipment, expert of the light source.
灯具, 灯饰, 照明设备, 光源的专家。
In the middle of there is on bridge as the bright firedamp light like electric lamp.
Influence of Color Temperature and Color Rendering of Lamp on Interior Light Environment
John was a lamp that burned and gave light, and you chose for a time to enjoy his light.
The valve majority is the use twists, the electric lamp is the light bulb, the switch is.
The local lighting of hearth, workbench, usable embedded fluorescent lamp or shoot the light.
Light sources adopt xenon strobotrons as six strobes and adopt halogen bulb as one flash lamp.
The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are good, your whole body will be full of light.
A Solar Cell Test Instrument Based on a New Type of Pulse Xenon Lamp Giving Out Constant Light
It is the current state of the filament heated to incandescence and is used to light the lamp.
Measurement of chromaticity of color lamp based on light emitting diodes and light guide plate
By the soft and Bright light of the desk lamp, you will Be aBle to write with miraculous skill.
书写台灯, 柔和明亮, 令您下笔如有神。
Furthermore, light intensity decays accordingly to a given ratio of the distance from the lamp.
另外, 光线强度按比例随着与到灯之间的距离的拉大而减小。
The light of the lamp can be varied white light, varying colours or one single permanent colour.
灯光可变换颜色, 白色, 彩色, 或保持一种颜色。
This lamp can be used as a kettle to heat water for a cup of tea with the help of small light bulb.
Floor lamp, wall lamp basically is used at the local lighting of the bedroom, the light is downier.
The system is equipped with an ultraviolet lamp and a halogen lamp that produces nearinfrared light.
He was the lamp that was burning and shining, and you were willing to exult for a while in his light.
约翰是点著且发亮的灯, 你们情愿暂时在他的光中欢腾。
Professional factory producing lamps and lanterns, lamp decoration, lighting equipment, light source.
产灯具, 灯饰, 照明设备, 光源的厂家。
Industry Switching Power Supply Chandelier Lamp Decorative light bulbs Energy Saving Lamp Fluorescent.
Nor do men light a lamp and put it under a bushel, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house.
人点灯, 不放在斗底下, 是放在灯台上, 就照亮一家的人。
Jn.535 He was the lamp that was burning and shining, and you were willing to exult for a while in his light.
约五35约翰是点著且发亮的灯, 你们情愿暂时在他的光中欢腾。
Feasibility Study on the Substitution Xenon Arc Lamp for Carbon Arc Lamp in Light Acceleration Weathering Test
The lamp hood frame, the lamp hood and the lamp base constitute a hollow chamber for holding the light source.
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