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单词 lamp light 例句大全,用单词lamp light造句:

Study on light oxidation of a new type of electrodeless discharge lamp
The flame met the earthen lamp in me, and what a great marvel of light
In the lamp light the smooth marble looks especially bright and clean.
He switches on his desk lamp, casting a pool of light on the documents.
他打开了桌上的台灯, 把光照在文件上。
Application of Inverter Technologies in Light Control of Discharge Lamp
The flame met the earthen lamp in one, and what a great marvel of light
火焰邂逅瓦灯并从此结合, 创造出多么光明得奇迹呀
All the Lamp types, except the Hemi Light one, can produce Ray Shadows.
Light suspended by black fabric safety wire Lamp suspended by black fabric.
When his lamp shone upon my head and by his light I walked through darkness!
Changes of Hemorheology and Curative Effects of Black Light Lamp in Psoriasis
Instead of cursing the darkness, it would be better for us to light the lamp.
与其诅咒黑暗, 不如点燃灯火。
And this one can't tell the difference between a lamp shade an a light socket.
A finger lightly touch on the lamp, a light sensor that is light, the customs.
Lamp shadow dispersed with water in the lake forming a circle of light ripples.
The starting time is the time the ballast needs to light and stabilise the lamp.
The knowledge is guides the life to the light and the real boundary lamp candle.
After the darkness the feeble light of the paraffin lamp had seemed very bright.
Out of the conventional design, make product condensing lamp light and vitality.
The tramp sat on the damp ramp, looking at the stamps in the dim oil lamp light.
Use more natural light wherever possible and save that desk lamp for cloudy days.
无论何时, 请尽可能使用自然光, 把台灯留给阴暗的天气吧。
Be far from the Ma Huateng of magnesium light lamp, actually a bit not curtilage.
The lamp shade adopts Pyrex with good light penetration and less penetration loss.
Research of Light Power Metal Halide Lamp Quartz Bubble Blowing Machine Controller
The night's silence, like a deep lamp, is burning with the light of its milky way.
夜的沉默, 如一个深深的灯盏, 银河便是它燃着的灯光。
The nights silence , like a deep lamp, is burning with the light of its milky way.
夜的静谧, 如一盏深沉的灯, 银河便是它燃起的灯光。
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