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单词 leg it 例句大全,用单词leg it造句:

After the accident, she couldnt feel anything in her left leg, ie it was numb.
出事以後, 她的左腿失去了知觉。
It would be easier for them to hobble to town a broken leg a broken pantaloon.
宁可跛了一条腿进城, 他们也不肯穿着破裤子去。
They took the left leg and put it on the same log and cut it off at the ankle.
You can rest your leg against a wall if it makes it easier to hold the position.
As soon as a leg is raised it automatically swings itself forward, and also down.
一条腿一抬起来就会自动向前摆动, 然后落下。
If you step on a stingray and get the spine inside your leg, it hurts very badly.
如果你踩在刺鳐的身上或刺扎你腿, 后果都会不堪设想的。
It is me that that little man in black suit sitting on father's leg is astonished.
Probably, it was injured in a trap and preferred a broken leg to being caught alive.
但它宁可把被打住的腿咬断, 也不在那儿束手就擒。
He decided to put something under a leg of the fridge so that it would become steady.
他决定把冰箱下面支起条腿, 使它变得稳定。
It has an active tail that functions as a fifth leg, and it contributes to stability.
The woman whose leg had been amputated could get a prosthesis and learn to walk on it.
IDIOM Example Janes new dress looks very expensive. It probably cost an arm and a leg.
It is short backed and lightly built, appearing high on the leg compared to its length.
The tibialis anterior of the back leg dorsiflexes the ankle, drawing it towards the shin.
Peter's dog bit my leg yesterday morning, but it was so small that I didn't feel any pain.
With the pointed tip jutting out into the sea, it looks like an eagle standing on one leg.
It is the common syndrome that back leg pain after the operation of lumbar disc herniation.
There, it was just possible to enjoy a surly Sicilian feast without the loss of arm or leg.
Mother's leg seemed quite better after her operation, but recently it's been acting up again.
Because the first generation is exoskeletal, it's wrapped around the leg, around the affected limb.
第一代是骨骼外植入 所以缠在 受用肢体上
It is OK that tomato has fresh tomato diuresis and exhaustion of purify leg ministry, reduce oedema.
The Captain stretched his left leg on one of the empty chairs. He knew it was not a polite thing to do.
Magnetron it is characterized by small weight and a low level of the shf radiation from a cathodic leg.
It is obviously swollen in the region from below the upper middle section of your right leg to the foot.
There should be a bursa here, which makes it easy for the iliotibial band to slide and the leg to move easily.
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