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单词 leg it 例句大全,用单词leg it造句:

She broke her leg a month ago and it's still in plaster.
她一个月前腿骨骨折, 至今仍打着石膏。
I really like my new car, but it cot me an arm and a leg.
When you touched the cockroach leg, what did it feel like?
Break a leg, but try not to hurt those boots while doing it.
It cost me an arm and a leg. Cost somebody an arm and a leg.
要某人的一手一脚, 引。
When I broke my leg, I had it in plaster for about six weeks.
Her leg was so badly damaged that the doctors had to amputate it.
The breast meat cooks faster than the leg meat, so it can get out.
As I was petting the seemingly friendly dog, it bit me on the leg!
当我摸着这只看似友善的狗时, 它竟咬我的腿!
It is the third leg of the bet, though, that could lead to trouble.
Cradle the leg by placing your hand under your knee and holding it.
Follow with the left leg as it presses the descending colon directly.
接着练习左脚, 因为它直接按压结肠。
Take out a left over leg piece and cut it so it's an equal rectangle.
The leg was removed when she was 5 months old when it began to atrophy.
Two of the doctors took hold of my right leg very gingerly and bent it.
Take it easy,catch a cab instead for the final 25-minute leg downtown.
The guard pulled his gun and let the escaped criminal have it in the leg.
It can treat and leg ache, and foot numbness, and bones, and limbs twitch.
It is based on the my tribe is just the Canton Fair the first leg of tour.
If you get a coke out of the mini bar it's gonna cost you an arm and a leg.
Lay it on the floor fully extended, with the front of the leg on the floor.
As I lifted my one leg to hook it over my other leg, I let out a loud fart.
The horse broke its leg when it fell and the poor brute had to be destroyed.
这匹可怜得马跌断了腿, 不得不把它杀掉。
It's true. He told me that his grandma could talk the hind leg off a donkey.
I almost hurt my leg when I played football this morning. It was close call.
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