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单词 leg man 例句大全,用单词leg man造句:

The man was favoring his right leg.
The man limped badly in his fight leg.
I saw a man with a wooden leg, and a real foot.
我曾经看到一个装假腿的人, 但脚是真的。
The old man was laid up with his broken left leg.
One day a man fell into the hole and broke his leg.
Lee chose a man and Baidu as the first leg comeback.
The man who had broken his leg was taken to hospital.
They ripped open the boot of the man, whose leg was broken.
A man who had a broken leg was waiting to see the detective.
In filth, decay and disrelish the leg less man lay kneeling.
肮脏, 腐败, 丑陋的断腿人跪着爬行。
On Christmas Day, the man still had his right leg in plaster.
圣诞节那天, 那人右脚还是上着熟石膏。
On Christmas day, the man still had his right leg in plaster.
圣诞节那天, 这人的右腿仍然绑着石膏。
The dog lay down and put its head on the leg of the blind man.
The man with a wooden leg is the father of one of my classmates.
On the Christmas day, the man still had his right leg in plaster.
在圣诞节那天, 他的右腿上还绑着石膏。
There was a horrid picture in the paper of a man whose leg had been blown off.
You are a old man, she purred appreciatively, rubbing up and down against his leg.
你是一个十岁男子, 她统统赞赏地, 揉和了对他的腿。
It is me that that little man in black suit sitting on father's leg is astonished.
A man who broken his right leg was taken to hospital a few weeks before Christmas.
圣诞节前几周, 某人摔断了右腿被送进医院。
A man who had broken his right leg was taken to hospital a few weeks before Christmas.
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