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单词 leather jacket 例句大全,用单词leather jacket造句:

The black leather jacket is a birthday gift given by his wife. It suits him well.
The black leather jacket is a birthday gift given by his wife. It'suits him well.
The leather jacket in the latest fashion shows more clearly gentlemanly demeanor.
Ahead of him is a guy who's dressed in sunglasses, a loud shirt, leather jacket and jeans.
For this sports style, the jacket will be often a biker or aviator leather one with fur on the reverse.
cuticle cutis jacket dermis leather slough epidermis scarfskin corium shagreen fleece pelt derma fur hide fell
皮肤, 表皮, 毛皮, 脱皮
It is this famous Brand leather jacket or leather parka that makes you have an unusual demeanour when you wear it.
OMG! My sister almost ruined my expensive leather jacket. She tried to machine wash it. You obviously can’t put a leather jacket in the washer. Isn’t this common sense?
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单词 leather jacket 释义



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