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单词 leave no stone unturned 例句大全,用单词leave no stone unturned造句:

We will leave no stone unturned to carry out our plans.
Well leave no stone unturned to accomplish the great task.
Leave no stone unturned and slaughter every infant of Bethlehem.
彻底搜索, 并屠宰伯利恒的每一个婴儿。
Leave no stone unturned to weaken the local forces, strengthen centralized.
It was my duty to leave no stone unturned to discover and expose the awful truth.
Leave no stone unturned to make the characters you control access to a bag of treasure.
From he in The Super Boys Singing Competition to the first album Leave No Stone Unturned.
All it will take is a will to be ambitious and a determination to leave no stone unturned.
As the Organization actively works to root out this problem, we must leave no stone unturned.
我们必须千方百计地积极开展工作, 以根除这一问题。
The police say they will leave no stone unturned until they find the murderer and his accomplice.
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单词 leave no stone unturned 释义

  • 单词释义:千方百计;想尽办法  [更多..]



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