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单词 Leaders 例句大全,用单词Leaders造句:

Galbraith, the tall, iconoclastic economist, diplomat and adviser to Democrat leaders from John F.
他身材高大, 并不是人们一般印象中的经济学家。
We, as leaders, simply cannot bequeath the burden of conflicts to the next generation of Africans.
Opposition leaders have accused the president of backing the reform in an effort to cling to power.
Many leaders are faced with alluring belief to shake, cannot accomplish clean heart, careful desire.
This person is without any genuine ability and learning, they only know how to flatter their leaders.
The leaders from the city will visit the plant, and check the working conditions here this afternoon.
The leaders accused Irans government of building a covert, underground plant to produce nuclear fuels.
They organized speeches by abolitionist leaders. And they helped hide slaves who were fleeing to freedom.
The organization's leaders were accused of endangering State security and secret dealings with the enemy.
Though criticized by the leaders again and again, he still did no realize that he had made a big mistake.
Opening Ceremony of Sanya International Food Festival, Addressing from Leaders and Guests, Ribbon Cutting.
Define the Joint Responsibility Scientifically and Complete the System of Administrative Leaders in Charge
Now the administration has a agreement with Democratic and Republic leaders in the House of Representatives.
Pu Cunxin, the foremost advocate of AIDS prevention together with many school leaders addressed the meeting.
What gives hope is that Africa's leaders are finding creative ways of addressing the resolution of conflicts.
Thought of the Contents for the Party and Administration Leaders Supervision Mechanism, Existing Problems and Reasons
And, to achieve the kind of choices we want for leaders we need to allow for the potential for partnerships between nations.
要做到给领导者自由 我们需要允许国家间的合作
The new leaders should first of all address this problem, which is also an important part of our efforts to rectify the Party.
This is adapted from his keynote address to 148 global business leaders at the Spruce Meadows Round Table in Calgary last week.
Senate leaders accumulate considerable ideological baggage, which makes it difficult for them to portray themselves as centrists.
doing a hundred LI in order to wrest an advantage, the leaders of all your three divisions will fall into the hands of the enemy.
百里而争利, 则擒三将军,
He abused his power and profiteers by selling much-needed goods to individual buyers in batches, so he was criticized by the leaders.
Political leaders read speeches for accuracy and precision.They lack the spontaneity of the impromptu speech or the extemporaneous speech.
Mr.Liu Zhenxing, an academician of the Science University of China comes to our school to instruct us and taken group photo with our leaders.
This year, LAS presented four gold medals to outstanding leaders,74 silver medals to competent leaders and three bronze medals to emerging leaders.

单词 Leaders 释义

  • 单词释义:领袖( leader的名词复数 );(管弦乐队的)首席小提琴手;最佳的人(或物);(在赛跑、商业等活动中)处于领先地位的人(或物)  [更多..]



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