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单词 lead up to 例句大全,用单词lead up to造句:

You'll be able to lead up to excellence in life.
Come up on ball of lead foot to avoid torquing knee.
All this could lead up to a rescheduling of the trip to Asia.
High blood cholesterol levels can lead to clogged up arteries.
However, too abundance socializing have lead to work piling up.
然而, 过于爱交际则会导致任务干不完。
When it comes to picking up awards they lead the field by miles.
Total arsenic, total lead and total copper were all up to grade.
总砷, 铅, 铜三个金属项目均合格。
With Mr. Ade taking the lead, they decided to set up a trading company.
以艾德先生为首, 他们决定成立一个贸易公司。
Stairs lead up to first floor and spiral stairs lead down to basement bedroom.
While he was drinking his moderate allowance, he said, with nothing to lead up to it.
But if you want to lead a monastic life, then I shall eat up your attachment to the world.
They also offer classes in parentcraft which parents can attend in the lead up to the birth.
And depend on the idiosyncrasy and demand, lead and help to set up performance technology and style.
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单词 lead up to 释义

  • 单词释义:作为…的准备,导致;使话题(渐渐)转向  [更多..]



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