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单词 yet 例句大全,用单词yet造句:

The reeds and rushes are abundant, and the white dew is not yet ceased
蒹葭采采, 白露未已。
This trait is the ability to be pumped up yet relaxed at the same time.
But, as Mr Andrew says, no historian has yet had unfettered access.
He thought Mrs. Lin had gone mad, yet she didn't look the least abnormal.
The offer has yet to be accepted by the lawyers representing the victims.
Because that suit your not appearing yet, your Bole has not seen you yet.
I came across this joke today. Its absolutely hilarious yet brutally true.
Yet creditors who have accepted exchanges and holdouts are not like cases.
abd him also who but seems to rule yet is in truth slave of his own slaves.
还有的人看来是个统治者, 而实则是自己奴仆的奴仆。
Yet shalt thou plunge me in the ditch, and mine own clothes shall abhor me.
你还是把我扔入坑中, 连我的衣服也憎恶我。
Yet, the models and methods for doing data access are continually changing.
Yet if I could have accepted the love of Apollo, I might have been immortal.
不过, 要是我接受了阿波罗的爱情, 我可能已经成了神仙。
Did your latest book appear yet The new Woody Allen film hasnt come out yet.
The Committee had not yet considered a report in the absence of a delegation.
Yet despite this intimacy, my laptop had absolutely no idea how I was feeling.
Yet Asia continues to boom, with most economies accelerating in recent months.
然而亚洲仍在持续增长, 多数亚洲经济在最近几个月加速。
I no longer belong to the old world and the new world has not yet accepted me.
我不再属于旧世界, 但还未被新世界接纳。
Yet perhaps, after all, to the discerning eye, the purity would not be absolute.
Your Eminence, I am a Christian man, and have never yet been refused absolution.
I have yet to see serious discussion of it in either academia or the real world.
而在学术界或真实世界中, 却没有发现与之相关的严肃探讨。
As a visual a visual aberration, things appear to be there, yet there is nothing.
如同视觉的变型, 事物显现在那里, 然而却空无一物。
Another one of our favorite actors who apparently the academy hasn't noticed yet.
I've yet to meet an absolute perfectionist whose life was filled with inner peace.
Absolutely, exquisitely minute, and yet we've discovered pretty much the full set.
完全的,极致的微小 但我们几乎还是全部发现了它们
They feel cut off from the adult world into which they have not yet been accepted.

单词 yet 释义

  • 单词释义:尚(未),还,仍;更;迄今为止  [更多..]



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