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单词 whoop 例句大全,用单词whoop造句:

He did not have inspiratory whoop or post tussive syncope or vomiting.
These are the little airguns which contribute to make the ice crack and whoop.
溶冰爆裂有声, 全是这些小空气枪的花样。
He later gave a whoop of joy as he approached a microphone to address the crowd.
No, no. It was a whoop, whoop, whoop! How about this Whoosh! Yikes! Who said that.
The Republicans made a great whoop and a hollar about the honesty of federal employees.
The Republicans made a great whoop and a holler about the honesty of federal employees.
They undrew the battle array to whoop for themselves, and the scene was very impassioned too.
他们拉开阵势, 为自己摇旗呐喊, 场面格外热闹。
I couldn't stop myself from letting out a whoop of excitement, which made my horse go faster.
Goes bankrupt the news spread along with Leiman, the hard two game of investors are also whoop.
Detective James Carter And Im about to whoop your old ass man because I am sick of playing games!
詹姆斯卡特警探我问这个老人家一些问题, 你叫什么名字?

单词 whoop 释义

  • 单词释义:大叫;呐喊;喘息声;哮喘声  [更多..]



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