Within my thatched dwelling I have abandoned the whip and rope.
红日三竿犹作梦, 鞭绳空顿草堂间。
Will you be looking for continuity or change within the Academy
We agree to abide by this Bid within the period of bid validity.
I feel absolutely within my rights to disagree with advertisers.
The company has accepted me well, especially within my division.
这家公司待我很不错, 特别是我所在得分公司。
I think this means that absolutely anything is within your grasp.
If found acceptable your account shall be activated within 24 Hrs.
No reservation is accepted within 7 working days before departure.
We'll inform you in writing within two weeks, if you are accepted.
如果你被录用, 两星期内书面通知你。
Within a few months my father slipped into the abyss of alcoholism.
不到几个月, 我父亲就跌入了酗酒的深渊。
deviating only slightly or within acceptable limits from a standard
Within two days I received a letter of acceptance from the manager.
不到两天, 我就收到了经理写来的录取信。
The darkness within Umberlee's Cache went beyond an absence of light.
The home is situated within easy access of shops and other facilities.
They permit access to external service from within the internal network
Within limits within the time, level, amount etc. Considered acceptable
Within NATO, the disputes over how far it should expand are in abeyance.
在北约内部, 关于扩张范围的争论已经中止。
Ability to work independently, under pressure and within tight deadlines.
Civil proceedings within the territory of the PRC shall abide by this Law.
凡在中华人民共和国领域内进行民事诉讼, 必须遵守本法。
Within Loves foes, his greatest foes abide, Malice, Inconstancy and Pride.
在爱神的仇敌中, 最凶的顽敌虎视眈眈,
These carotenoids can be absorbed preferably by body within fat condition.
Within Hollywood, of course, the Academy Awards still matter a great deal.
当然, 在好莱坞内部, 学院奖仍有很多意义。
They may well have a set of acceptable brands within which they will shop.
So the team actually developed a new code within the code within the code.
所以研究小组开发了新的密码 包含了密码当中的密码
Isabel had not changed, her old passion for justice still abode within her.
伊莎贝尔没有变, 原有的正义感在她心头仍安然无恙。