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单词 wind 例句大全,用单词wind造句:

With wind farms becoming larger and larger, the wind turbine must have the ability of fault ride through.
风电场容量不断增大, 要求风电机组具有故障穿越能力。
Evaluation of Time History of Wind Induced Vibration in the Wind Blowing Direction on High Rise Buildings
Like the wind being forced into the same pain memories by wind, but love is in imperceptible in the cold.
Drunk in the wind to the wind and rain the transverse flute blow, head put the flowers fall wearing a hat.
风前横笛斜吹雨, 醉里簪花倒著冠。
Brass leaves are musical instrument of wind. After rotation, the opening of the tubes faces the coming wind.
The wind speed profile turbulence integral scale, and turbulence spectrum are simulated in wind tunnel test.
Equation of the wind angle and the wind center angle of combined revolution surface transitional period winding
Theoretical and Experimental Research on Wind Load and Wind Induced Response of Large Hyperbolic Cooling Towers
The Application of Shearing Wind Helicity and Thermal Wind Helicity in Northeastern Cold Vortex Rainfall Event.
The relationship between the Northeast strong wind and the geostrophic wind over the sea off Lianyungang harbour
Modification of Initial Wind Field of a Mesoscale Numerical Model Based on the Data of Satellite Cloud Drift Wind
Giddiness or lightheadedness is a sign of too much wind property, a sign that the wind property has been provoked.
Wind electricity is mostly rich in spring prevailing southwestand less inand winter which prevailing northwest wind.
The present invention also relates to a transmission for a wind generating apparatus and a wind generating apparatus.
Apart from electrostatic ion wind guns, guns wind blowing dust, in addition to the gun style electrostatic ion gun style
Association of crock of what international snuff, seminar is waited a moment, make ammunition of the wind that get wind.
Spring wind is like wine, summer wind is like tea, autumn wind is like smoke, and winter wind is like ginger or mustard.
The allohypsic wind, inertial advection and friction effect are the main factors whichinfluence on the ageostrophic wind.
The east wing captures the wind and generates energy through five wind turbines placed within the structure of the canopy.
The setting up mode of wind force was advanced and let the wind velocity variable be introduced into the wind force model.
提出了风力的设置方式, 将风速变量引入风力模型。
Secondly, this paper studies mainly effect of displacement on the top of wind column on moment at the bottom of wind column.
It will take to achieve performance of wind turbine work process assessment and condition monitoring under all of the wind speed.
The outer frequency spectra of wind waves are estimated with the time series data of wave elevation measured in the laboratory wind wave flume.
Yelling wind, tiny shade of humans. Whip the sword to cut the soaring grass in the mountain. Different kinds of feelings are blowing in your mind with the wind.
It also has wind volume adjuster to change the wind of inlet from emitting into inhaling, which make sure it can deduct collectively to prevent environmental pollution.

单词 wind 释义

  • 单词释义:风,气流;胃气;呼吸;管乐器;趋势  [更多..]



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