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单词 wind 例句大全,用单词wind造句:

Wind direction position transition, the wind came out from the outlet requirements.
风向位置转换时, 风向可以从要求的风口出来。
The tail end of the wind close discharge device is provided with a wind close board.
The wind is the most easy to detect the phenomenon about the wind, so many proverbs.
风是最容易觉察的现象, 所以关于风的谚语很多。
Characteristics of Outer Frequency Spectra of Wind Waves Measured in Wind Wave Flume
Movement 1 Wind. The ever present wind is depicted in fast, swirling triplet figures.
第一乐章风, 以快速, 旋转的三连音描绘持续的风。
Test Method for Measuring Surface Wind by Means of Wind Vanes and Rotating Anemometers
The wind power generation cost is high, moreover the wind power generation is unstable.
风力发电成本高, 而且风力发电不稳定。
The high speed airfoil type wind turbine has the highest efficiency in high wind speeds.
The fan is arranged in the machine shell and between the wind inlet and the wind outlet.
风扇配置于机壳内部, 且配置于进风口与出风口之间。
FJ FLOOR JOIST EMBEDMENT WIND RESISTANCE COLUMN floor joist embedment wind resistance CL.
China is rich in wind energy resources and has made gratifying achievements in wind power.
Readings on the Current Status of Wind Power in General and Shore Wind Power in Particular.
The great wind spirit, please gather the wind into the kinfe, destroy the enemy in my front!
Vertical axis machines do not depend on wind direction, unlike horizontal axis wind turbines.
与水平轴涡轮机不同的是, 垂直轴涡轮机与风向无关。
Characteristic of Wind Turbine and Research on Control Based on Running below Rated Wind Speed
These wind roses show the probability of occurrence of wind speeds for sixteen compass points.
Wind's blowing controls sand's flying. Wind blows over Tian Shan Mountain, sand will follow it.
Wind turbines and windmills that harness energy generated by the wind are located on this site.
此处有风力涡轮机及风车, 利用风力产生能源。
The autumn wind and the wind blowing gently, falling leaves dancing in the air like butterflies.
Diagnosing El Nio events by equatorial meridional wind profile and wind data from island stations
Apparent wind is what is experienced onboard and is the wind that the boat is actually sailing by.
Aerodynamic Roughness of Cultivated Soil and Its Influence on Soil Erosion by Wind in a Wind Tunnel
You reveal your secrets to the wind, you should not blame the wind for revealing them to the trees.
108 Cases of Cephalic Wind Syndrome Treated by the Therapy of Tranquilizing Wind and Removing Stagnation
So, its not the force of the wind, bur its the type of wind and its affect on the shape of the structure.

单词 wind 释义

  • 单词释义:风,气流;胃气;呼吸;管乐器;趋势  [更多..]



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