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单词 attached file 例句大全,用单词attached file造句:

The calligraphy file and the original files are both attached.
The Dorje is in the attached file for all on my list to share.
Do you have any request on the price change on the attached file?
Please check if the bill is correct, by opening the attached file.
请打开附件文件, 查验帐单是否正确。
Go to the work item from which you want to remove the attached file.
Please find attached file of sling bag that my customer looking for.
It turned out anice one. So it is given a file name, see attached file.
佳文就这么的自然涌成, 所以我给了个档名, 请看附呈档案。
Download the attached sample project into your file system and unzip it.
The calligraphy file is attached, and this email is Bcc to all on my list.
I sang my heart mantra and recorded it for all to share. One file attached.
The fax cannot be previewed because an attached file type is not supported.
无法预览此传真, 因为不支持附加文件类型。
My ideas of designs are sketched in the attached file for your inspiration.
Please pay more attention to the attached file, and take this as a warning!
Please find attached file of Design List that we would like you to manufacture.
The image file he sent, and is attached, shows only the seal of the Dragon king.
这个由他寄来的附呈图档, 仅显现龙王之印。
For your referance, please find mails below and attached file from our customer.
Chang Wang also offered a better image file for Jing Xing, so it is also attached.
昌旺还提供一个更好得敬行图档, 因此它也一并附呈。
Chang Wang also offered a better image file for Jing xing, so it is also attached.
I'm sorry that this part number is not real stock, so I changed the attached file.
Please review the attached document listing the file requirements for your revision.
The file attached contains my calligraphy of the heart mantra and the seed word Hong.
The file attached contains my calligraphy of the heart mantra and the seed word Hong.
He is asking for the heart mantra, so I wrote it in calligraphy. The file is attached.
Please look at the attached file to see the style of bikini that this project involves.
请在所附的文件, 看看风格的比基尼, 这个项目涉及。
The calligraphy file and the file containing my original work on this topic are both attached.
英文例句大全为您提供attached file英文例句大全,attached file英文造句,关于attached file的英语句子,单词attached file怎么造句,attached file英文例句大全有哪些,哪些英语句子是关于attached file,英语单词attached file的句子,单词attached file如何造句,attached file怎么造句等。

单词 attached file 释义



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