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单词 attached table 例句大全,用单词attached table造句:

Attached is a repayment table for your reference.
The attached table records data mentioned above in detail.
Attached table is not updatable because it has no unique index.
由于附加表没有唯一索引, 因此是不可更新得。
Could you please fill attached table and feedback to me in this week
A function or functor, as usual, may be attached to the symbol table.
Could you please fill attached table and feedback to me in this week?
He struggled to move the cart with the TV table, which attached to his cycle.
General hospitals table include hospitals attached to colleges and universities.
为统一口径, 本表综合医院包括高等院校附属医院。
Working table is attached to the case of the injector that makes convenient to do an injection job.
工作台连接注射器的情形, 便于注射工作,
英文例句大全为您提供attached table英文例句大全,attached table英文造句,关于attached table的英语句子,单词attached table怎么造句,attached table英文例句大全有哪些,哪些英语句子是关于attached table,英语单词attached table的句子,单词attached table如何造句,attached table怎么造句等。

单词 attached table 释义



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