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单词 asking price 例句大全,用单词asking price造句:

If the appraisal comes higher you can adjust your asking price accordingly.
You must first enter your asking price before you can cancel the negotiations!
We are prepared to pay your asking price, as l ong as you can del iver on time.
只要你能准时交货, 我们已预备好要付你们要求的价格。
Liverpool refuse to budge on their settled asking price for the Italy international.
The asking price for players we were looking at just wasn't realistic and we held off.
And the longer the delay in honouring these contracts, the higher the asking price for coal.
这些合同兑现的时间拖得越久, 卖方对煤炭的索价就会越高。
The asking price and the actual price at which flats at the high end are being sold have widened.
She was in bad need of a pair of real alligator shoes, but the local vender was asking for a very high price.
她非常想要一双真的鳄鱼皮鞋, 可是当地的卖主要价很高。
Valdano recently stated that the Reds asking price for the midfielder was too high for the ambitious Primera Division club.
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