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单词 ask after 例句大全,用单词ask after造句:

I'll ask after her.
to ask after somebody
After all, God forgives you when you ask him.
毕竟, 上帝当你问他的时候会原谅你。
I burned with the desire to ask after my husband.
After you've run your tests, ask what their coverage is.
After the lecture the audience was allowed to ask questions.
演讲之后, 听众可以发问。
Well, I just thought I'd ask. After all, you are the captain.
He has the cheek to ask for a rise after a week in his new job.
He has the cheek to ask for a raise after a week in his new job.
He doesnt like the net friends who ask for meeting after chatting.
After the robbery, the chief of police came to ask some questions.
Don't forget to ask after your aunt when you see Tom this evening.
你今天晚上看见汤姆时, 别忘记问候你的姑母。
He had the cheek to ask for a rise after only a week in his new job.
他才工作一星期, 竟厚著脸皮要求加薪。
Mary's boyfriend wrote letter after letter to ask for her forgiveness.
玛丽的男朋友一封接一封地给她写信, 请求她的原谅。
There is a mind always do with you after Fen Yang, gently, ask uneven.
有一种思绪总是在与你别后才纷扬, 摇曳着, 抚不平。
After she argued with her boss, she really wanted to ask for her cards.
Everyone has been asking it feels to be 20 to ask after every birthday.
In the course of his brief visit, he quite forgot to ask after his niece.
After the lecture the professor aside half an hour for us to ask questions.
讲座结束后, 教授留出半小时时间让我们提问题。
The students flocked round their teacher after class to ask many questions.
I want to ask lawsuit of dozen of a debt, want defray after all what charge?
Chase after Wendy and ask her to get some biscuits while she is at the shops.
Just another familiar way of trying to ask Will I still be around after my death
I ask, after caricature comes out, do you get the mail of vermicellibean starch?
After the briefing, the first thing Wen Xiang did was to ask Weirdo abut Buer Lao.
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单词 ask after 释义

  • 单词释义:询问…的健康状况,问候  [更多..]



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