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单词 tremble 例句大全,用单词tremble造句:

meat easily off the bone, but does not tremble not casual, easy to carry.
肉易脱骨, 但不抖不散, 便于携带。
When I think of you, I tremble and the bell swings and rings along my viens.
It would not tremble in your fingertips and fly to the channel of your bone.
On the variances of the star images tremble versus different zenith distance
No doubt the enormity of the challenge before him made him tremble with fear.
毋庸置疑地, 在面对巨大挑战时, 他因畏惧而颤栗。
This increases your heartrate, makes you hands tremble and flushes your face.
The crescent moon gave off faint rays that seemed to tremble in the cool breeze.
One Method for Elimination of Tremble in Minimum Sighting Speed of Fight Vehicle
All that matters is whether you will tremble out of love or tremble out of fear.
Their fingers, from excessive toil, are too clumsy and tremble too much for that.
You believe that God is one. You do well. Even the demons believe that and tremble.
你信只有一个天主吗?!你信得对, 连魔鬼也信, 且怕得打颤。
Groves of elderly aspen tremble in the wind, but no sprouts push up in the understory.
Son of man, tremble as you eat your food, and shudder in fear as you drink your water.
你吃饭必胆战, 喝水必惶惶忧虑。
Holding the bowl, his eyes fixed on the dark green chives, his hands started to tremble.
The blows from the butt end of the gun made the house tremble, but did not shake the door.
This form of punishment more than any other makes the local tyrants and evil gentry tremble.
这种处罚, 最使土豪劣绅颤栗。
There were modest tintinnabulations, which seemed to stutter and tremble like a first avowal.
A person walking on it dare not look sideways, and a gust of wind would make him tremble with fear.
Bears, dragons, tempestuous on mountain and river, Startle t he forest and make the heights tremble.
熊咆 龙吟殷岩泉,栗深林兮惊层巅。
Can there be any wonder that He caused the earth to tremble and the skies to darken when His Son died?
It was a threedimensional picture. It was holy teaching that exposed human secrets. My heart began to tremble.
Dans ton antre Tremble de froid, pauvre chacal! Race of Cain, shiver with the cold In your cavern, wretched jackal!
在你们的岩洞里寒冷得发抖, 可怜的豺类!
There is one topic connected with this subject which I tremble when I approach, and yet I cannot forbear to notice it.
有一个与这个问题相关的话题, 每次提及这话题, 便使我发抖。
When pulled to tremble to move an empty bamboo, each pronounced in the meantime, high male, the voice went into cloud form.
Should be steady when a plank fold to turn, have no to tremble to move obviously, miscellaneous sound and other excrescent appearances.

单词 tremble 释义

  • 单词释义:颤抖;颤动;使担心  [更多..]



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