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单词 somehow 例句大全,用单词somehow造句:

But he's different now, Papa. He's changed somehow.
但是他现在不同了, 爸爸。他变了。
Somehow, he dislodged the battery and swallowed it.
That's a huge task. And yet, somehow he achieves it.
Somehow they concealed the fact that you were alive.
Don't be nervous about me, I'll worry along somehow.
that he was somehow representative of all Americans.
他便可以代表 所有的美国人。
I think that's somehow appropriate and quite moving.
不知何故, 我认为这很适当, 并且相当令人感动。
Somehow I doubt a bag of sweets will be enough food.
不知何故, 我怀疑一包糖当食物怎么会够吃的。
Somehow, on arrival, I was the first on the platform.
不知是怎么搞的, 到那后, 我是第一个上平台的。
And somehow we ended up with a joint checking account.
What I actually needed to do was somehow to disappear.
Somehow she managed to fend off the awkward questions.
yet somehow for you, you conscienceless abhorrent monkey.
Somehow the whole abortive affair got into the FBI files.
Somehow or other he always comes to an anchor in the bar.
不知怎么地, 他老是泡在酒吧里。
But somehow this person thinks you have helped him a lot.
但是, 这个人认为, 你帮了他很多。
Somehow is too to be a princess, calculate her to acquire!
好歹也是当太子妃, 算她赚到了!
Somehow, we must see each other again. Any place, anytime.
There was a search for beauty that had somehow gone adrift.
I went to apologize to her, but somehow she was aggravated.
我去向她道歉, 却莫名其妙地激怒了她。
And somehow these amino acids are combined, and life begins.
并且通过某种方式,这些氨基酸彼此结合 随后生命出现。
He was very embarrassed, but somehow he got the apology out.
Yet somehow, through the Force, he sensed something was amiss.
但不知何故, 他通过原力感觉到异样。
Marvin felt ashamed, somehow, and ashamed for feeling ashamed.
马文莫名其妙地感到羞愧, 又为羞愧而感到难为情。
She was somehow able to look sad and cheerful at the same time.

单词 somehow 释义

  • 单词释义:以某种方式,用某种方法;<非正>不知怎么地,不知道怎样,不晓得什么缘故;设法,想办法,想个方法;莫明其妙地  [更多..]



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