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单词 tempest 例句大全,用单词tempest造句:

The issue is more than a tempest in an academic teapot.
Cheer the mourner still the tempest, Glory to His name!
转悲为喜, 惊慌得安, 荣耀归主名。
The grotesque, deformed slave in Shakespeares The Tempest.
卡利班莎士比亚作品风暴中古怪, 丑陋的奴隶
Buyback is an ability originally seen in the Tempest block.
No tempest is capable of shattering his firm determination.
He could not confront again the loneliness and the tempest.
Bess tore her skirt a little and made a tempest in a teapot.
贝思得裙子撕破了一小块, 她就大惊小怪。
And left their flocks a feeding in tempest, storm, and wind.
Mr Dimon dismissed the issue as a complete tempest in a teapot.
I would hurry to my place of shelter, far from tempest and storm.
我必速速逃到避所, 脱离狂风暴雨。
the tempest caused a large amount of loss in a short period of time.
The way I see it, his anger was unreasonable, a tempest in a bucket!
依我看, 他发火发得没道理, 小题大作。
I believe, there is always a tempest after a beautiful rainbow appear.
Like the tempest she shakes the earth beneath us and the sky above us.
她如暴风雨般震动我们脚下的大地, 摇撼我们头上的天空。
They have to be insured against fire, flood, tempest and other perils.
For He bruises me with a tempest And multiplies my wounds without cause.
The tempest comes out from its chamber, the cold from the driving winds.
The representative works include Cymbeline, Winter's Tale, and The Tempest.
Although this tempest has weakened, it could have easily gone the other way.
尽管这次风暴已经减弱, 它很容易就改变方向。
She had heard a piano arrangement of his overture to the tempest noble music!
So how can scientists investigate under such a tempest of changing circumstances?
The furious tempest drove over and round us, flinging the boat this way and that.
汹涌得波涛在我们得四周回漩, 把船掷来掷去。
Rudderless , we drift athwart a tempest, and when once the storm of youth is past.
我们迷航飘荡于风暴中, 青春的雷雨一旦过去。
Threat and its countermeasures of TEMPEST ATTACK on computer information security.
It started on August 1, 1944, as part of a nationwide uprising, Operation Tempest.
这场战役是在 1944年 8月1日开始得。

单词 tempest 释义

  • 单词释义:暴风雨;似风暴般的事物;骚动;风波  [更多..]



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