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单词 vietnam 例句大全,用单词vietnam造句:

During the Vietnam War, Admiral Miller commanded an aircraft carrier division with the U.S.
越南战争时, 米勒将军指挥着美国第七舰队的一艘航空母舰。
The product function has already surmounted the same kind productTaiwan, Vietnam, bead sea!
Development of Vietnam plant protection machinery and cooperation between China and Vietnam
The product function has already surmounted the same kind product Taiwan, Vietnam, bead sea!
Sipsongchutai was included as a part of Northern Vietnam under the administration of Ho Chi Minh.
They made it to 37 countries including Vietnam, Sri Lanka, India, and even the continent of Africa.
Sen. McCain volunteered for duty during the Vietnam War and began piloting bombing missions in 1966.
The glutinous rice with the most typical Vietnam is become with agitate of wooden turtle fruit juice.
In the 1960s and 1968s, the Vietnam War was basically shown in America's living rooms day in, day out.
Late Quaternary coastal upwelling and variations of the East Asian summer monsoon off the Vietnam coast
Vietnam and the Philippines have appeared to more closely align themselves with the U.S. in the dispute.
American naval ships have docked in Vietnam, which has agreed to repair American Sealift Command vessels.
Other Asian countries that have gone from deforestation to afforestation include South Korea and Vietnam.
An Analysis on the Feasibility of China and Vietnam Joining Hands to Explore the Energy in the Beibu Gulf
AUSTRALIA'S last two servicemen missing in action from the Vietnam Warhave begun their final journey home.
Vietnam film Apocalypse Now were rejected one assumes because of their vehement opposition to the conflict.
Vietnam has an estimated eight billion tons of highquality bauxite, the thirdlargest reserves in the world.
越南估计拥有80亿吨高品质铝土, 储量世界第三。
The Vietnam War time, the US military once the secret had carried on is7 year long time the artificial rain.
But Vietnam's agricultural sector is not limited to residual farming on family plots for domestic consumption.
然而, 越南的农业并不局限于小农生产和国内消费。
Even authoritarian Vietnam is increasingly allowing broadcasts in the languages of its small ethnic minorities.
He captured the arresting image of a VietCong prisoner being taken prisoner by American forces during the Vietnam War.
The friendly banter indicated that with the peace in Vietnam signed, China could accelerate its move toward us without embarrassment.
South Africa has signed a deal with Vietnam to help curb the rising number of illegally slaughtered rhinos, officials announced on Monday.
The armistice of June 1938 in France subjected the Vichy government to the Japanese pressure, resulting in the interdiction of goods from Vietnam to China.
Just ate some durian in Vietnam. At first it smells disgusting and doesn’t taste very good, but after eating it a few more times I started to like it. Truly an acquired taste!

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