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单词 vietnam 例句大全,用单词vietnam造句:

Metallographical Study on Ancient Bronze Drums and Artifacts from Vietnam
An Analysis of the Internal Cause in Affecting Foreign Investment in Vietnam
The Agreement called for an immediate ceasefire in place throughout Vietnam.
Im in Australia and will buy it and send it to VietNam. Thank you very much!
我在澳大利亚, 我会买下来然后送到越南。非常感谢你!
The more the old bathhouse and Vietnam may have to find a little old master.
越是老得澡堂越可能有, 找老一点得师傅。
At 47,he is too young to have been in the bitter cultural wars about Vietnam.
China stands ready to earnestly implement the agreement together with Vietnam.
An American aircraft in Vietnam shot itself down with one of its own missiles.
Torny vietnam is also trouble makers , and is also dangerous tobe to cambodia.
越南也是个麻烦制造者, 也对柬普塞来说, 是个危险的恶棍。
Unfortunately, alternatives to bombing the North Vietnam were hard to come by.
不幸的是, 除了轰炸北越以外, 要找到其他办法是很难的。
Yue Deli, a French tax official, was kidnapped in Vietnam in the August of 1894.
摘要1894年8月, 法国税务司李约德在越南芒街被匪徒绑架。
Bayou of city of Yunnan red river, lead to small town of the saliva side Vietnam.
Vietnam has been a posterchild of SouthEast Asian development over the past decade.
在过去的十年中, 越南已成为东南亚发展的典型代表。
During the Vietnam War, She worked for the Red Cross abroad helping asylum seekers.
在越战期间, 她在国外的红十字会工作帮助难民。
Hon Gai in Vietnam produces anthracite coal, the materials below for reference only.
Vietnam, the WTOs newest entrant, just completed 11 years of bilateral negotiations.
What has really happened in the negotiations in Paris and the battlefront in Vietnam?
Agreement to hold peace talks in Paris was reached between the U.S. and North Vietnam.
Agreement to hold peace talks in Paris was reached between the U. S. and North Vietnam.
An Analysis on Why North Vietnam Taking Political Priority Policy after Paris Agreement
An Analysis on Why North Vietnam Taking Political Priority Policy after Paris Agreement.
He wanted to go home to meet his eldest brother to ask him to help leaving Vietnam ASAP.
他一心想回家找到他的大哥, 请他帮忙离开越南。
relation between two parties of Vietnam and China and relation between Vietnam and China
Remember the Americans and how they traded drugs in Vietnam, and the IranContra affair.
A youth from Vietnam had a minor reputation among the students as something of an artist.
有个安南青年, 在同学群中是个有点小小名气的画家。

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