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单词 unifoliate 例句大全,用单词unifoliate造句:

Xie Wei is unifoliate, hairiness, the brim has toothed
叶为单叶, 有毛, 边缘有锯齿
This curve resembles the unifoliate hyperbola in maths.
Leaves unifoliate, leaflet elliptic or ovate, acute or acuminate.
花单生或数枚生叶腋花小, 花瓣白色5枚, 向外开展
Xie Wei is unifoliate, whole reason or dissension, or to point to shape compound leaf.
Unifoliate, edge bine each other is unripe, certain planted foliaceous opposite or verticillate.
单叶, 沿茎互生, 某些种的叶对生或轮生。

单词 unifoliate 释义

  • 单词释义:adj.[植]单叶的,有单叶的  [更多..]



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