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单词 all over again 例句大全,用单词all over again造句:

I must wander again all over the world. a brilliant career without a parallel in modern times.
It was a lot of fun to film that first gay pride parade. It was like being there all over again.
People from all over the world, who claim that they have been born again come to me in Switzerland.
She groaned at the memory, suffering all over again the excruciating embarrassment of those moments.
While he gently held my hand, he admitted he had spent three long nights in pain, but he would do it all over again for me.
perhaps where they lost everything, as I did, and started out all over again, some of these things will seem very familiar.
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单词 all over again 释义

  • 单词释义:(从头)再一次  [更多..]



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