Then I learned it all over again with variations from the Hawaiians.
When the lie was exposed time and again when it is possible all over.
当谎言一再被揭穿的时候, 有可能一切都结束了。
A discordant Lebanon is in danger of being torn apart all over again.
The little blighters next door have trampled all over my flowers again.
But, as usual, the stale political arguments have begun all over again.
Consequently, he was back to square one and had to start all over again.
I begin all over again, still immerse oneself in writing, wait earnestly.
The Qing rulers constructed gardens in the Haidian region all over again.
The thunder decided to start all over again, producing a sudden loud clap.
雷声似乎决意要卷土重来, 突然又炸出一声巨响。
Andy began to tell about his adventures all over again, but I choked him off.
And now to be back here, at my age, Doing it all over again, it's depressing.
而到我这年纪了又回到这里 重头来过,这太让人郁闷了。
But Ethiopias government has no appetite for sending in troops all over again.
She thinks of being buried alive again, of experiencing those 28 hours all over.
It is not realistic to ignore the existing achievement and start all over again.
I looked stubborn and obstinate heart, let me flee, let me start all over again.
And so all of these proteins can get basically recycled and used all over again.
基本上所有这些蛋白质 可以回收再利用
Go wrong all over again.All the while becoming crusty and cynical or a pathetic.
最后你会变成一个易怒的, 愤世嫉俗的或是一个可怜兮兮的
I should say that he always added that he would do it all over again in a minute.
He received me not very frankly, looked me all over, and turned to his work again.
When we've finished with it, people like you will have to learn it all over again.
All that land would have to be ploughed up and planted over again, planted in corn.
He did not do his homework carefully enough. I persuade him to do it all over again.
他没有认真的做作业, 我劝他把作业重新做了一遍。
It seems that we should start all over again, and undertake the enterprise by ourselves.
看来我们得重起炉灶, 自己做一番事业了。
It is through confiding to you my sorrow that I became confident and patient all over again.
Moreover, the new magazine is basically all over again Nahuo discounted price of almost all.
而且, 基本上新杂志再各地拿货得折扣价都差不多。
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