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单词 unwelcome 例句大全,用单词unwelcome造句:

As far as Rosalie was concerned, I was an unwelcome intruder into her familys secret life.
在罗莎莉看来, 我是扰乱他们家隐居生活的破坏因子。
Amid continuing credit woes, a protracted spell of deflation would be particularly unwelcome.
值此信贷危机之际, 持续的通货紧缩局面尤其有害。
However, it is claimed that the French government told the daughters they were unwelcome in France.
然而, 据称法国政府已告之其两个女儿, 她们不受欢迎。
On the Cultural Difference of the Exchange of the Unwelcome Messages between Chinese and English Languages
Unwelcome Buyer Bidding or buying in violation of the terms set forth by a seller in his or her listing description.
Another unwelcome element in Soviet eyes was lacking altogether. Peasant comprehension was low, but far from lacking altogether.

单词 unwelcome 释义

  • 单词释义:adj.不受欢迎的,讨厌的  [更多..]



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