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单词 unwearable 例句大全,用单词unwearable造句:

Until courting couples learn this rule, girls will go on ending up with drawersful of unwearable slippery camisoles in lurid colours, and men with racks of acutely embarrassing ties.
A week later a strap comes right apart making the shoes unwearable.
一个星期后一根鞋带断了, 鞋子不能穿了。
What once looked unwearable now seems ordinary, and what once seemed banal now looks right.
曾经似乎老套的衣服, 现在看来很合适。
Pork brought forth his favourite ruffled shirt, so inexpertly mended by the chambermaid as to be unwearable by anyone except his valet.
这时, 迫切需要一个妻子的念头清晰起来。
Shoes so dilapidated as to be unwearable.

单词 unwearable 释义

  • 单词释义:adj.不(再)适合穿戴的,破旧的,不合身的  [更多..]



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