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单词 translator 例句大全,用单词translator造句:

take the initiative to think, from the little things, to be a conscientious translator.
主动去思考, 从小事做起, 做个有心人。
This paper discusses translator's creativity in the translation of legal terminologies.
Act as an interpretation for important conferences or translator for important materials.
George offered me a job as a translator, but I'm not sure whether I will accept it or not.
The Palestinian leader spoke through a translator as he accepted the honor in Oslo, Norway.
在挪威奥斯陆接受颁奖时, 阿拉法特发表了讲话。
or building the first real universal translator, or building a fusion factory in your garage.
或是建造第一個萬能翻譯機 或是在你的車庫建核融合廠
Xu Guozhang , a native of Xincang, Haining, was an English educator, translator and linguist.
许国璋英语教育家, 翻译家, 语言学家。海宁新仓人。
Regardless of the translator adopts what law, translates the ideal film title far as possible.
译者无论采取何法, 尽可能翻译出理想的片名。
A translator must be armed with the excellent ability of expressiveness and vivid imagination.
The blast killed at least14 people, including three NATO service members and their translator.
A translator is a program which translates a source program into an equivalent object program.
Now I as a translator and business assistant for a Chinese telecommunication company in Moscow.
And in the course of the grandmother talking to the translator, the grandmother started crying.
He accepts that it can be cumbersome to have to deal with close colleagues through a translator.
I agree this agreement, the application registers the guide, the accompany, the translator member.
His company attended an international fair as an exhibitor and hired a translator for temporary service.
All members of the translation team to attend a recital of the text in question by the Master translator.
This kind of writing, with its brilliantly allusive language, poses an uncommon challenge to the translator.
When foreignization is not feasible, the translator should resort to domestication as a supplementary method.
What is the logical relationship between epitaph and a line of good? Obviously, the translator has goodfor goods.
The translator's creative selection and utilization of these two interpretations can make the translation better.
译品之工, 全在译者的创造性地选择与运用。
She worked as a project co-ordinator for years before launching into a successful career as a literary translator.
It is of the translator made to the layout description of this word, editing not ignore this, strayed into the body.
这当是译者对排版造此字的说明, 编辑不察, 误入正文。
When translating the source poem, the translator employs the iconic forms to render the iconicity of the source poem.
Gu Hongming was a celebrated scholar and translator between the late Qing Dynasty and the beginning of Republic of China.

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