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to come to a head/ to be brought to a head
Let's go to a restaurant to grab a bite to eat.
All I had to do was to agree to go back to Italy.
to pass to the account of to place to the account of
To witness, to affirm to be true or genuine to certify.
To live is not just to be alive but to be alive is to live.
一个人不是为了活才生, 而是为了生活才生。
To live is not just to be alive, but to be alive is to live.
You just need to be able to talk to patients and to use your loaf.
You actually had to go to antique stores. You had to go to Europe.
The problem was, you actually had to go to Alexandria to go to it.
I love to abbreviate my title since its easier to people to remember.
我喜爱简写我的姓名, 因该那样大部份人更简易记住。
I'm sure to send the tape to you by anyone who happens to come to me.
I love to abbreviate my title since it's easier to people to remember.
To build a community of advocates, you have to be able to talk to them.
要想建立一个支持者的群体, 首先要能够和他们说上话。
To make it up to you, Id like to take you to a better party afterwards.
为了补偿您, 我想之后带您去一个好点的聚会。
He tried to get me to have anal sex, and I had to struggle to avoid it.
他想要肛交, 我尽力挣扎不想这么做。
The boss seems to be annoyed. To talk to him now is to ask for trouble.
It's much healthier to give vent to your anger than to try to control it.
有气就发泄出来, 比闷在心里要好得多。
A time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance.
a bribe given to a disc jockey to induce him to promote a particular record.
I had to put a bomb under her to get her to agree to start the job tomorrow.
Don't be afraid to abbreviate, to cut a paragraph here, to shorten one there.
别怕删节, 不必顾虑这儿删去一段, 那儿简缩一段。
The car inclines to incline and to slide to roll and collides to the abutment.
汽车侧倾, 滑滚并撞到了桥台上。
One day, Yao paid a visit to Xu You and in order to abdicate his throne to him.
有一天尧去拜访许由, 想要将王位让给他。
They were set apart to belong to God, to become like him and to be used by him.

单词 to 释义

  • 单词释义:向,朝着;到;关于;属于  [更多..]



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