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单词 ton 例句大全,用单词ton造句:

This type of construction hoist has two cages, each with3 ton or3.2 Ton capacity.
I made the mistake of criticizing you and she came down on me like a ton of bricks.
When he moved he left instructions for his letters to be sent ton to his new address.
I shall be glad if you will forward fifty ton of coal, in accordance with your sample.
请按照贵公司提供的样品, 供应我司50吨煤炭, 谢谢。
I have an inquiry here for1000 ton of special alloy steel which I hope you can supply.
我这里有个询价, 求购1000吨特殊合金钢, 希望你方能供货。
Basically you take a goose or a duck and you force feed a ton of grain down its throat.
你抓着鹅,或是鸭 然后把大量的谷物往它脖子里倒
California State University, Fuller ton of more than 3,400 faculty and staff available.
Ton or fait aussi des petits. Race of Abel, love, pullulate! Even your gold has progeny.
Shipment be to be make during june, july and august in three equal lots of1000 ton each.
By good fortune they were able to get from the movement of Austria a ton of pitchblende.
Experiment Research on Consumption of Electricity Per Ton and Block Size in Pick Cutting
The scenery does not fill the space properly, we should set ton an additional piece here.
这个布景没有很好地占据空间, 我们应在这儿增设一个。
The annual handling capacity and throughput of Ningbo Port have both exceeded 98 million ton.
The annual handling capacity and throughput of Ningbo Port have both exceeded 100 million ton.
You are walking along Ukranian black earth and it sticks to your boots and puttees by the ton.
The only way we could afford to produce this car at a terrific price was to sell a ton of them.
Analysing and measures of higher water unit consumption per ton steam in heat and power station
Energy Saving Transformation of Zheng He Group1,200,000 Ton Coking Radiation Feed Pump Inverter
This type of hoist is operated without counterweight , has one cage , one ton capacity of the cage.
该型号施工升降机不配有对重, 双笼, 每笼载重为两吨。
The cassia bark that has machined can sell 210 yuan commonly 100 jins, laurel is oily 600 yuan ton.
The monthly output is300 ton for machine screws,1500 ton for threaded rods, and300 ton for eyelet bolts.
Dans ton antre Tremble de froid, pauvre chacal! Race of Cain, shiver with the cold In your cavern, wretched jackal!
在你们的岩洞里寒冷得发抖, 可怜的豺类!
The Yongjin Oilfield had been explored to be a large oilfield with inplace volume of hundreds millions ton in Junggar Basin.
Woven fabrics of flax for printing and dying, mixed with cotton and manmade fibres, containing bleached, cot ton within limitations.
Went to Club ELLUI for my birthday. Good atmosphere, insanely packed, and a ton of hotties. Thanks to everyone who made it out to my party.

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