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单词 walk 例句大全,用单词walk造句:

This chick was born not long ago, and is not even able to walk steadily.
She begged him to slow the animal to a walk, which Alec accordingly did.
After running for ten minutes, he dropped into a walk, ie began to walk.
You can walk to the Jardines de Luxembourg, which is absolutely stunning.
你可以步行到怡和卢森堡, 是个惊人的地方。
Dare touch touch forcedly, walk along straight line abduct to be bent alive
I do walk the walk, not just talk the talk, he said to applause and laughter.
Those actors on stage all walk in a very sophisticated manner. It looks great.
A violation in the walk for lifting a foot before the leg has bent for a moment
She was barely able to walk and she had oxygen cylinders fitted in her bedroom.
Now is the time for the friends of Africa in the developed world to walk the walk.
He to walk along the brook, through every willow tree and walk up to the mountain.
And you walk towards the door, then they all walk towards the door, it's only natural.
你朝门口走, 他们也会朝门口走, 很自然。
What the accumulation spacing walk time is longest is Russian astronaut Suoluoweiyuefu.
Sunset afterglow another campus under a lone walk alone walk alone were more than zero.
Walk on through the wind, Walk on through the rain, Though your dreams be tossed and blown
He was badly lamed by the accident and afterwards could only walk with the help of a stick.
I walk on the road on one half which find Branch road, but I also must continue to walk on.
After the accident,he could not walk for months and had to relearn how to walk down stairs.
There are many things need to accomplish, I have to walk into spring, face to the diverse world.
有很多事情需要去做, 我得走入春天, 面对纷纭的世界。
Walk along acme when grace, the element of polarity also can be in onefold coexist on makeup look.
In America do you typically have to make an appointment at a nail shop or are walk-ins mostly accepted?
Walk in the path defined by rule, and accommodate yourself to the enemy until you can fight a decisive battle.
践墨随敌, 以决战事。
Great results can not be achieved at once; and we must be satisfied to advance in life as we walk, step by step.
I deify anyone to work walk out the brofferlers brothels or to work walk out the orphanage leaving those people behind and.
Want to be not alternatively hire a carriage, walk to return to like this, my doesn't material, you probably absence to tinge cold.
要不还是雇辆马车, 这样走回去, 我无所谓, 你或许要染了风寒。

单词 walk 释义

  • 单词释义:走,步行;徒步旅行,散步;陪同,护送;遛(狗);不翼而飞  [更多..]



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