My friend, at this time, thank you accompany me to walk.
He used to walk on a tightrope across the Niagara Falls.
Why do you always walk ahead of me when we walk together?
Abel Be gone. Walk with Satan. Dont step on the pentagram!
亚伯去吧, 与撒旦一起行走, 不要踩到那个五角星!
I'm gonna be able to walk, right? I gotta be able to walk.
He abandons his easy walk and moves his legs forward busily.
Walk together is the fate, together in the walk is happiness.
To abstinence, often in the river walk, we must not wet shoes.
要洁身自好, 常在河边走, 也要不湿鞋。
Yes, you d preferable walk for half an hour eVery abundance day.
To warm up for a brisk walk, walk slowly for five to 10 minutes.
为快步走热身, 那就慢走5到10分钟。
Similar to take a walk above, but without the bustle of activity.
Yes. We a lovely walk in Behai It was the perfect day for a walk.
It has nothing to do with walk, this is called a crepuscular walk.
He s really got strong legs to be able to walk 50 kilometres a day.
Jane was willing to accompany you to the park to go out for a walk.
To such length did she go in rehearsal that the two actors walk out.
And the floor that you walk on, can it affect the way that you walk?
走在这样的地板上 你是否觉得步履更为轻盈?
She has begun a modeling course, and can not walk the cat walk well.
刚刚开始学习模特课程, 她的猫步还走不好呢。
Abandon blindness and superstition Walk up to scientific civilization
Two the frog ofs walk, walk, arrive at a flank of water well finally.
You walk hurriedly walk, don't turn around, don't with my tears flow.
你要走就赶忙走, 别回头, 别对着我泪流。
After unpacking, we meet up for a walk to an abandoned Indian village.
放下行李, 我们步行来到一个废弃的印地安村落。
Besides, taking a walk while massaging the abdomen has better effects.
亦可边散步边摩腹, 效果更佳。
Get ready to experience God's abundance as you walk the steps of faith!
当你凭信心迈出时, 就会经历神的丰盛。
We must walk with our dispossessed brothers and sisters; walk with god.