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单词 in case 例句大全,用单词in case造句:

In case of additional information required from the system, the process is a bit more complex though.
The undersigned agree to accept punishments provided for in laws in case of any deceptive activities.
You also can suck the redundant grease on eyelid to stop in case with oil absorption paper dizzy catch.
In case of changing accountant office, the leading reporting bank shall also submIt'statement in writing.
如更换会计师事务所, 主报告行还应提交书面说明。
In case customer makes advance withdrawal of renting, the developer is entitled not to refund the deposit.
若客户提前退租, 发展商有权不返还押金。
The paper can also provide the academic gist for pining up the local parts of the dam in case the collapse.
You dont have got to accompany me going shopping in case someone immediately makes an appointment with you.
In case the talks fail, we feel that we will have to take certain steps to address the people's desperation.
万一和谈失败, 我们会采取断然措施来满足人民的愿望。
Note In case of any change in the training schedule, it will be subjected to advance notice from the company.
After ball in hole, be careful of adopting ball and inserting flagstick in case scratching the lip of the cup.
Setting a system restore point and backing up old files in case your system needs to be restored in the future.
In case of a claim for compensation in respect of this consignment, it should be supported by adequate documents.
如对所交之货有异议, 索赔时须提供充分证明。
The cost in case of emergency caused by natural disasters shall be defrayed by the aforementioned special account.
In case any of the shares to be divided as aforesaid consist of shares which involve a liability to calls or otherwise
In case the concentration exceeds the requirement, adjust the concentration by adding water or stoichiometric ingredients.
ii. in case where the applicant does not have a personal, proprietary or pecuniary interest the number of people affected.
In case of any violation, I agree to accept and be bound by applicable penalties as specified in the TSMC Employee handbook.
如有违反行为, 本人同意接受员工手册相关规定之惩处。
In case of any change of rooms or particular requests about accommodation, you are requested to contact our reception personnel.
若想换房或有特殊要求, 请与他们联络。
In case direct sellers violate related rules of Regulations on Forbidding Pyramid Selling, their applications will not be accepted.
直销员违反禁止传销条例有关规定的, 其申请不予受理。
In case of approval, the SAFE shall inform the applicant in writing of the approved amount of foreign exchange payment for investment.
If that person is a citizen, the documents shall, in case of his absence, be receipted by an adult member of his family living with him.
United states troops now carry atropine and autoinjectors in their first-aid kits to use in case of organophosphate nerve agent poisoning.
A bank security guaranteeing the advance payment made by the employer to the contractor in case of affordability ratio bankruptcy or other cause.
In case any problem arises in the implementation of the present Circular, please contact the Department of International Revenue and Expenditure of the SAFE.
This Agreement constitutes a legally binding agreement between the parties hereto. This Agreement should be interpreted in its English version in case of ambiguities.
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单词 in case 释义

  • 单词释义:假使;免得; 以防;也许  [更多..]



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