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单词 in case of 例句大全,用单词in case of造句:

In case of an actual total loss no notice of abandonment need be given.
在实际全损的情况下, 不比发送委付通知。
Able to work overtime in case of necessity.
Nevertheless, the law does not provide for such leave of absence in case of illegal abortion.
In case of my absence, who will take my place?
In case of absence of laws or regulations for the WTO purpose, new legislation will be enacted.
没有相关法规的, 要制定相应的新法规。
If that person is a citizen, the documents shall, in case of his absence, be receipted by an adult member of his family living with him.
From sliding down in case of an accident.
In case of accident under the passion, please take Yu Ting.
激情时刻, 难免发生意外, 请用毓婷。
In Case of Accidental Spillage.
In case of accidental overdose, contact a poison control center immediately.
如有意外情况, 请立即与中毒中心联系。
In case of dirt or accidental touching, wipe clean using a cloth with alcohol.
万一沾染灰尘或不慎碰触, 请以布沾酒精擦拭。
We must reflect what measures to take in case of any accidental collapse of a bed.
In case of accidental overdose, call a doctor or poison control center immediately.
I have kept a reserve fund in case of accidents.
In case of any change of rooms or particular requests about accommodation, you are requested to contact our reception personnel.
若想换房或有特殊要求, 请与他们联络。
In case of doubt, the AI should seek legal advice accordingly.
如有怀疑, 认可机构应寻求法律意见。
In case of changing accountant office, the leading reporting bank shall also submIt'statement in writing.
如更换会计师事务所, 主报告行还应提交书面说明。
In case of dismissal of the accounting firm, the causes for the dismissal shall be explained.
Make an accurate throwing, and try again in case of failure.
您一定能投准吧, 投不进, 再来一次。
Suites in case of drying test, you should check out if placed location is accurate.
In addition, in case of emergency can be acetylene torch on the pull down hose.
Action in case of electric shock
Eliminates uncontrolled movements of the actuator in case of line rupture.
Not to be used in case of acute renal failure.
In case of cervically funnelshaped open lumen when no post adaptation to the canal wall is possible.
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单词 in case of 释义

  • 单词释义:万一,如果;防备  [更多..]



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