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单词 high school 例句大全,用单词high school造句:

Academic attribution of primary and high school students is a hot problem of attributional field.
It was the early autumn of my first year at a junior high school, and my old school was far away.
Sex Difference Research of Primary and Junior High School Students about Mathematics Study Ability.
Research on Perceived Similarity Affecting Empathy and Altruistic Behavior for High School Students
I hope to finish Hunter College High School and go on to a college with a good school of journalism.
High school physical education classes three years as member of the director of the school swimming.
高中三年担任班级体育委员, 学校游泳社社长。
I am a high school graduate, may from test the register undergraduate course school record directly ?
我是一个高中毕业生, 可以直接自考报考本科学历么?
Analysis of Healthy Education and Healthy Examination in High School Teaching and Administrative Staff
I heard that my high school sweetheart graduated from med school and is now engaged. It’s a funny feeling.
Mr. Gu said that the academy is only one part of his extra studies outside of his elite Shanghai high school.
And they have colleges college credit from passing advance placement Advanced Placement tests in high school.
Military training of every junior high school students entered the high school prerequisite courses the door.
The various education that divides elementary school and junior high school all is taught to be not obligation.
The new building for the high school replaces a former auditorium, adding a significant amount of learning area.
这个大楼取代了原来的一个大礼堂, 使学习空间倍增。
University is not the only choice of high school graduates, thus they can find a job or go to vocational school.
Through CitizensHigh School, studying for a high school diploma online has never been easier or more convenient.
The Research of the Relation between Feelings of Academic Success and Level of Aspiration in High School Students
With the high school curriculum, students will be generally in accordance with arts, science, commercial diversion.
The Research of Affectivity and Practice for Optimizing Teaching Through Emotion in Physics Teaching of High School
I attended high school and college at the University of the Philippines and I graduated with a degree in Accountancy.
High efficiency unties the method experience that circular functions inscribes in high school mathematics, good Bonus.
In fact, the difference between the two groups accounts for half the increasing wage gap between high-school and college graduates.
New Curricula Standard for Senior School English requires high school students'reading ability to achieve levels from the sixth to the ninth.
The development and changes of the junior high school music curriculum goals were introduced. Second, the status of the Longxing school music teaching was analyzed.
Yet, talk to adults who endured PE in junior high and high school a few decades ago, and it is clear that as recently as two decades ago, 'fun'wasn't part of the PE lexicon.
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单词 high school 释义

  • 单词释义:<美>中学;<英>大学预科  [更多..]



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