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单词 Heyl 例句大全,用单词Heyl造句:

And theyll probably unfreeze one of the smaller accounts.
Water temperature can dictate how aggressive the fish might be and what theyll hit.
Its quite likely that theyll agree to compromise.
Pack them well.Theyll be airdropped tonight.
把它们包装好, 今晚空投。
Made of a springy brass theyll last a lifetime without falling apart.
Theyll approach her on that matter.
We are uncertain of the time theyll arrive.
I assure you theyll be perfectly safe with us.
我向你保证, 他们和我们在一起十分安全。
Dont worry. Theyll be bale to handle it.
Sarah Whittle They grow much faster than bamboo. Take care or theyll come after you.
No, theyll light it up and try to pass it off as the latest bar decor.
他们会把它点亮, 作为最新潮的酒吧装饰。
Theyll wed next spring or summer in London. Plus, view photos below and full coverage.
You can bet your life theyll oppose it.
Theyll be watching, as if through binoculars, from Jordan.
他们只会从约但河远远地看着, 仿佛透过望远镜看着。
Boat buyers tend to overestimate how often theyll set sail and minimize how much the boat will cost.
They hope to find a bonanza of materials curbside, which theyll transform into art.
他们希望找到大量的的被丢弃的材料, 将其转化为艺术。
Im sure theyll be quick to figure out how to stuff the genie back in the bottle.
Do you think theyll have us ride off onto Sunset Boulevard together
In Orange County, California, theyll renovate homes for our veterans.
在加州的橘子郡, 他们还将为退伍军人修缮房屋。
Theyll have to check our baggage. Why dont you wait for ME upstairs at the refreshMEnt lounge
Carol Yes, I am. Im his sister, these are my parents and theyll vouch for me.
卡罗尔对, 是我, 我是他妹妹, 这是我父母他们能证明。
The chief editor said theyll publish your paper if you can just fill it out a little.
主编说, 只要你把论文内容稍加充实, 他们就刊登。
Entrepreneurs chronically underestimate how much money theyll need to start a business.
We all have to improve on this sort of thing. But oftentimes theyll cite distractions.
Stars are citizens of the sky, but theyll never come together with goblet in hand.
天空是星星的世界, 星星不会手持酒杯走到一起。

单词 Heyl 释义



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