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单词 He Yi 例句大全,用单词He Yi造句:

Wei Fang Yi He Electrical Appliance Co., Ltd.
All the year round everyday with cool bath face He Yi is in?
Say according to Luo Chun, he invites Li Yi exceeds designedly.
At midnight, Rong Yi died of cold, but he gave life to his disciple.
Sima Yi thought that he was a dead man and he held his son and cried.
Four months later, Yi replied that he would be glad to write the foreword.
A discussion about the meaning of er in the sentence de He Yi jun, Er Zheng Yi guo
Soldier department Huang Ce up, he is thousands at the Pu Anne Wei of Guizhou even Yi.
兵部黄册上, 他在贵州普安卫平夷千户所。
But it's Professor Yi Zhongtian. He's my idol. I'm going to get a book with signature.
你不知道, 易教授是我的偶像。我一定要拿到他亲笔签名的书。
Though recovering, Yi still cannot confirm the exact date when he'll be back on the court.
虽然伤势已经好转, 易建联还没有确定复出日期。
Hou Yi went up to a very high mountain with his bow and arrows, he wanted to shot all the suns down.
他背起弓箭, 站在一块巨石上, 要把太阳都射落下来。
That is a gilded nameboard with nine dragons. The three Chinese characters Yi He Yuan on it were written by Emperor Guangxu.
He is very familiar with all the Four Books (Da Xue, Zhong Yong, Lun Yu and Meng Zi) and the Five Classics( Shi, Shu, Li, Yi, Chun Qiu), and is a specialist on Confucianism.
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