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单词 green heart 例句大全,用单词green heart造句:

He is ripe in years But green in heart.
Green covered sun, the heart was burning.
绿遮住阳光, 心却在燃烧。
My heart was dancing with the green of the pool.
The central scenery, the green heart of zoology.
中央景观, 生态绿心
The central scenery, the green heart of zoology.
My heart of a sudden has put on green leaves of desire.
Let flower hotter, grass more green and our heart more kind.
让花更红, 草更绿, 心灵更美。
There are fresh air, here is the heart of the Green Gallery.
这里有新鲜得空气, 这里是心灵得绿廊。
You are really a bit of green hand in the affairs of the heart.
Let clear and clean dews of green leaves stay deep in your heart.
If you keep a green bough in your heart, then the singing bird will come.
如你心中保留绿色树枝, 那欢欣之鸟便会来临。
In brief, it is an explication to the design method of the green heart in campus.
My heart, with its lapping wave of song longs to caress this green world of the sunny day.
我心, 以它如涟漪的歌, 渴望拥抱这阳光普照的绿。
My heart, with its lapping waves of song, longs to caress this green world of the sunny day.
You walk from the environment of red flower and green leaves and from the feelings as deep as engraved on the bones and heart.
你从那花红草绿的氛围中走来, 从那刻骨铭心的感觉中走来。
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