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单词 green belt 例句大全,用单词green belt造句:

A belt of green webbing.
encroach upon a green belt
Service Six Sigma Green Belt
Six sigma Green belt is preferred.
Drainage Design of Green Belt and Flowerbed
绿地, 花坛排水系统设计探讨
All of a sudden, I found a green belt Almost.
突然, 我发现了那片绿化带。
The green water was clear and lovely like a jade belt.
From afar, the green belt of red, you really beautiful
远远望去, 绿中带红, 真美呀
Communities across the continent could be connected by such a green belt.
Have the right messenger Lei, Huang yellow, green hanging don boots, belt.
右有雷使者, 黄衣黄巾, 绿吊敦靴, 玉带。
Clock's outer wall slightly assumes the yellow, Huang Zhongyou the belt iron green.
Skandars many skills include riding a horse, playing the cornet , playing the flute , and he has a green belt in tae kwon do.
他的诸多拿手技能包括骑马, 吹短号, 吹笛子, 还是跆拳道绿带。
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单词 green belt 释义



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