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单词 grounds 例句大全,用单词grounds造句:

She sued for divorce on the grounds of her husbands alleged misconduct with his secretary.
Those opposed to gambling continued to argue the case against it on moral and social grounds.
I was surprised to hear that Johnson had been divorced by his wife on the grounds of adultery.
Are seeking political asylum in Canada on the grounds that they would be executed if sent back
Numerous complaints have been received and processed under the additional grounds added in1991.
He also signed with Apple to the confidentiality agreement Grounds, refused to comment further.
This approach to oral language assessment has been criticized by linguists on a number of grounds.
The school president believed that a small garden would be a pleasing adjunct to the school grounds.
The courts later found grounds to annul the results, after the king urged them to sort out the mess.
在国王敦促法庭收拾烂摊子后, 法庭随后宣布废除选举结果。
Overweight children are being placed in foster care on the grounds that they are victims of child abuse.
They entered the woods, and bidding adieu to the river for a while, ascended some of the higher grounds.
Before the daylight completely faded, we tramped through the wet grounds to the mucky bank of the river.
The list of medical and social grounds for induced abortions was established by the Cabinet of Ministers.
To be absent for consecutive three days without justifiable grounds or be absent for six days in a month.
It make our grounds of argument more plenitude, and make our fruit of research more valuable to practice.
The possibility of appeal or review may affect the conviction's ability to serve as grounds for expulsion.
Firm evidence of improved transmissibility would be grounds for moving to a higher level of pandemic alert.
The professor can hardly find the sufficient grounds on which his argument favor of the new theory to base.
A written statement of the grounds of complaint made to court law asking for the grievance to be redressed.
With the development of Secondary Joint Burial, the structures of burial grounds are becoming looser and looser.
随着二次合葬习俗的发展, 墓地结构越来越松散。
Tianjin is known as the World Museum of Architecture due tohistorical reasons. Owing to because of on the grounds of.
They agreed that xenotransplants were permissible on ethical grounds, and cautiously recommended that they be allowed.
Here, besides beautiful mountains and rivers and fertile farmland, we have ghastly prisons and execution grounds as well.
这里有美丽的山水, 肥沃的田畴, 同时又有黑暗的监狱和刑场。
this was Monet's description of the garden he made in the grounds of his house at Giverny, on the Seine about halfway between Rouen and Paris.
The band led by example in April, 1998, by refusing to perform at a high-exposure Toulouse concert on the grounds that ticket prices were too high.

单词 grounds 释义

  • 单词释义:庭院;理由;渣滓;泥土( ground的名词复数 );地面;[航海学]底;(工作、讨论等的)范围  [更多..]



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