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单词 ground floor 例句大全,用单词ground floor造句:

three rooms on the ground floor, three chambers on the first, and an attic above.
楼下三间, 楼上三间, 顶上一间气楼。
He has heard of the boom along this coast, and wants to be in on the ground floor
Old Behrman, over sixty, was a painter who lived on the ground floor beneath them.
老贝尔曼年过六旬, 是一个画家, 就住在她们楼下的一楼里。
The second type is on the ground floor and tub edge, feet bouncing back and forth.
The system consists alloy ground floor extrusions and interlocking cassette boards.
该系统由铝合金型材, 环环紧扣地下磁带板。
The best way to ensure your success is to make sure to come in on the ground floor.
The accommodation includes dormitories on the ground floor and 192 studio apartments.
In anticipation of high water, the ground floor had been built seven feet above grade.
When you are sitting in the window, snapped ground floor of a sudden crackling rained.
当你坐在窗前, 帘外突然噼噼啪啪地下起了雨。
Study on the problems of water effusing and jamming of ground floor of dwelling houses
The ground floor of the prehistoric cultures have a number of archaeological discovery.
There is a fully equipped health center on the ground floor of the main office building.
在主办公楼的一楼, 有一座设施完备的健康中心。
There's also on the ground floor is rich in copper, iron, coal and other mineral resources.
Analysis of ground floor destroyed and subsided for a workshop for preparing steel material
When we pulled up the floor tiles on the ground floor, brown sludge seemed to be everywhere.
当我们揭开一楼的地砖时, 褐色污泥似乎到处都是。
The house in which he lived consisted, as we have said, of a ground floor, and one story above.
Richard Baxter rented the first floor of the house and the ground floor is occupied by a cobbler.
Back on the ground floor, as the giant sphere hovers overhead, you enter the Hall of the Universe.
Cause analysis and appropriate treatment of the uneven subsidence of ground floor in a middle school
Study on the earthquake response of a frame including columns of different length in the ground floor
The lobby and the ground floor were both destroyed and windows were shattered as high as the30th floor.
Electrical and Mechanical Services Department Customer Service Office Ground Floor, 3 Kai Shing Street, Kowloon Bay
the ground floor slab should be included in the scope of the substructure contract. Please refer to clause 2 of the letter of acceptance.
Accommodation units are spread on 3 upper levels, while the public activities are taking place in basement, ground floor and mezzanine.
McCourts memoir describes an entire block of houses sharing a single outhouse, ground floor dwellings flooded by constant rain, a home infested with rats and vermin.
退伍后, 他由军方资助进入纽约大学读书。
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