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单词 fish out 例句大全,用单词fish out造句:

The circumstance around is so strange to her that she feels like a fish out of water.
她感到周围的环境很陌生, 而且处境又很生疏困难。
beautiful face which causes fish to sink out of sight and the flying crane to drop down
No need to carry out the killing the fish and breaking the net, who also lost not good.
And he said, When you go out on the river, do not under any circumstances eat the fish.
他说,当你沿河航行时 千万别吃鱼
oil into a hot fire till the 7 complex nowadays deep fry golden fish out into the loin.
The fish out of water quality is not alive, just like people is dependent on the oxygen.
鱼的特质是离开水不能活命, 就像人离不开氧气。
The breed that two seas train out commonly is called halfbred fish, flavour is delicious.
Pig pork cut 0.7 centimeters square Ding, cooked fish out into the boiling water pot boil.
divers have been frightened out of their wits by giant fish bumping into them as they work.
It has a little bit of a carbon footprint because we do have to get out and catch the fish.
唯一的一些碳排放 是我们出海捕鱼所造成的。
Finding a fish in kitchen was lost, the host swore to find out the thief who stole the fish.
The disciples had been out all night without catching any fish, remember they were fishermen.
使徒们已经出去了整个晚上没有抓到任何鱼, 他们都是鱼民。
Seasoning the fish inside and out with coarse sea salt and fresh grounded pepper for 10 minutes.
鳟鱼洗静, 里外擦上粒状海盐和黑胡椒, 淹10分钟。
This examination will be strictly carried out, so there is no chance to fish in troubled waters.
A great fish swallows him, but he prays for deliverance and the fish spews him out on dry ground.
Then he would get out his money and take the fish and crabs and turtles to the shore and let them go.
Like a strainer, this causes the water to drain out and sends the fish right into the dolphins mouth.
This new equipment may be disposable fish out the dregs of waste anode block, the used effect is good.
该装置可以一次性捞出阳极坑内的残渣, 使用效果良好。
The birds spend the whole day catching fish, but it is the boatman keeping them who makes money out of it.
墨鸭整天地捕鱼, 卖鱼得钱的却是养墨鸭的船户。
Drink the soup out of the bowl as if it were a cup, and fish out the solid food pieces with your chopsticks.
Wood point the angel like of water cook fish and pull out silk banana, there is also Chinese chives dumpling.
Originally the phrase means two fish out of water moisten each other with saliva to keep each other alive temporarily.
原指离开水的鱼相互吐沫沾湿, 以求得暂时的生存。
Scotland, whose fishermen catch about twothirds of the fish landed at British ports, is already trying out a new approach.
Article18 of the Agreement sets out the duties of flag States parties to the Agreement whose vessels fish on the high seas.
The diagonally held bill of the egret leads our eye out of this picture after exploring the egrets eye and that of the Fish.
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单词 fish out 释义

  • 单词释义:从水中捞出来;摸出; 掏出;把…中的鱼捕尽  [更多..]



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