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单词 fish out 例句大全,用单词fish out造句:

The guide pointed out the best places to fish for trout.
So whale come out fish, because they are fish obviously.
The large fish keeps dragging Santiago farther out to sea.
I went to the hospital to get a fish bone out of my throat.
Eg. she feels like a fish out of water among the celebrities.
在那些达官贵人中, 她感到十分不自在。
After three days, the great fish spat Jonah out on to a beach.
The next day after he had eaten the fish Jim came out in spots.
吉姆吃了那鱼的第二天, 身上起了许多红点。
Instead of catching fish, all that he fished out was an old boot.
Sushi, sashimi and seared fish are definitely out of the question.
Sometimes he even poisoned ponds and dragged out heaps of dead fish.
有时候他还在湖里下毒, 捞上成堆的死鱼。
I checked out fish anatomy for better to make modeling and texturing.
It's a very finicky job to get all these little bones out of the fish.
It turns out that his diet was probably large fish and dead carcasses.
The last living fish will swim out the rest of its days in an aquarium.
Flying fish leap out of the water and glide, using their pectoral fins.
When he was away from his colleagues, he felt like a fish out of water.
离开了他的同事们, 他感到如鱼离水一样, 感到生疏。
When I was a child, my dad used to take the bones out of the fish for me.
小时侯, 父亲总是会帮我把鱼刺挑出去。
Fish out of the way is very strange that hooks are straight, do not bait.
Pea sprouts boiling water, fish out the burns with cold water, or too cold.
豌豆苗放入开水中烫过捞出, 用冷水过凉。
As he was speaking he reached into his bodice and took out a small gold fish.
When he pulled it out of the water, there was a big pot instead of a big fish.
Soak dried fish maw in water until soft. Scald and squeeze out water. Section.
鱼肚用水浸软, 飞水, 压乾水份, 切段。
Fish taste better if they are out of bright sunlight while they are being dried.
Auditioner Whod come out to see a chip, huh They wanna see Swimmy , the happy fish.
接待谁会来看薯条, 啊?要看水草和快乐的鱼。
Have been frightened out of their wits by giant fish bumping into them as they work.
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单词 fish out 释义

  • 单词释义:从水中捞出来;摸出; 掏出;把…中的鱼捕尽  [更多..]



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