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单词 have none of 例句大全,用单词have none of造句:

I will have none of this absurd plan.
None of the actresses we have auditioned is suitable.
If you had my advise, none of this would have happened.
In fact, what archeologists have found is none of that.
事实上 考古学者没有发现那些
None have achieved any advance in reducing the amount of drug harm.
As far as I know, none of their factual assertions have been refuted.
And none of this would have happened without my amazing partner Lynette.
None of those who have had close contact with the infected have shown abnormal symptoms.
In none of these respects does optical astronomy have any advantage over radio astronomy.
If man had remained a hunter, none of the rest of his accomplishments have been possible.
如果人类仍停留在狩猎时期, 那他后来的成就是不可能的。
Each of these layers has performance information, but none have the information in aggregate.
Various quantification methods have been used so far. None of them has appeared to be perfect.
None of the bodies discovered so far have been identified because they were in such an advanced state of decay.
至今没有一具尸体被鉴别出来, 因为他们已经高度腐烂。
Now none of the drama actors makes as much effort as the previous actors who have received regular professional training.
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单词 have none of 释义

  • 单词释义:不允许;不接受;不介入;拒绝参加  [更多..]



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