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单词 have no use for 例句大全,用单词have no use for造句:

Do you have any use for this? No.
Its no use wishing for things you cant have.
I have no use for a bar that can't get me drunk.
Ian is idle and lazy and I have absolutely no use for him.
伊恩游手好闲, 懒懒散散, 我绝对不喜欢他。
Say no more. I have extra candles and water for you to use.
I see no common source for c. o., so you'll have to use the detector.
我没有看到一般一氧化碳的来源, 所以你得用检出器了。
We are not Duke Hsiang of Sung and have no use for his asinine ethics.
Kids making a bobsled have no use for the loafer who wants a free ride.
Let us use the power we have in order to be advocates for those who have no voice.
让我们利用我们的权力, 为那些没有发言权的人大声疾呼。
No matter what you want to use it for, an underwater digital camera is great to have.
We have been told that under no circumstance may we use the telephone in the office for personal affairs.
He is very respectful towards older actors, unlike those who show a blind eye to them because they have no use for them.
英文例句大全为您提供have no use for英文例句大全,have no use for英文造句,关于have no use for的英语句子,单词have no use for怎么造句,have no use for英文例句大全有哪些,哪些英语句子是关于have no use for,英语单词have no use for的句子,单词have no use for如何造句,have no use for怎么造句等。

单词 have no use for 释义

  • 单词释义:不需要;用不着;<口>不喜欢;对…不耐烦  [更多..]



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