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单词 Hatchō 例句大全,用单词Hatchō造句:

Small hatch and hatch cover shall comply with the rules of Classification Society.
While flying a bomber, you can switch to the view from the bomb hatch and drop bombs.
When the cargo in Hatch No.2 has been completely discharged, please clean up the hold.
Our silkworm eggs didn't hatch well, but we didn't harm anybody. You were all so smart!
But after hatch back, opens the door may let the user lay aside the goods conveniently.
When the cargo in Hatch No. 0 has been completely discharged, please clean up the hold.
Bones meal and menthol oil should be stowed against the fore bulkhead of Hatch No.3 deck.
Defines a rectangular brush with a hatch style, a foreground color, and a background color.
用阴影样式, 前景色和背景色定义矩形画笔。无法继承此类。
To be able to have something for the hatch to connect to, I want to do something different.
为了能有一些为舱口连接到, 我想做点事不同。
Hatch temperature and pressure may influence the entrapment rate of berberine hydrochloride.
During these periods the birds will lie on the cage floor as if trying to lay or hatch eggs.
From within this ball of clay the beetle would hatch and symbolized the creation of new life.
Formulators Look to Specialty Chemical Companies to Hatch Innovation and Growth Opportunities
Stress Concentration at Hatch Corner of River Container Ships with Transverse Deck Box or Strips
The Artificial Intelligence System of Measure and Control for the Hatch Condition of Silkworm Eggs
Zhai returned to the interior of his capsule and closed the hatch after less than 20 minutes outside.
在外面呆了不到20分钟, 翟返回了舱内, 关上了舱门。
When you open up the package, you instantly see the Cocoon hanging down from a branch ready to hatch.
The program ruler comprises a hatch program, an immunity program and a production management program.
程序尺包括孵化程序, 免疫程序和生产管理程序。
At hatch corners these girders must be additionally supported either by pillars or transverse girders.
在横梁支柱或横向的梁, 必须另外支持这些梁。
The biggest change to the exterior has to be the front end which comes straight off the Golf VI hatch.
最大的改变外观, 必须在前端的是直了高尔夫六舱口。
Study of Precision of Finite Element Analysis on Stress Concentration Factor of Container Ship Hatch Corner
I pressed on the gas, stuck out of the hatch showing half of my body and fired a whole ammo clip from my SMG.
我关上油门, 半身探出舱口用冲锋枪打空了一个弹夹。
The rest of the Aden paraffin are arranged in Hatch No. 4 lower hold fore part. Maybe its omitted in the plan.
Specialized is engaged in the animal, breeding, hatch, promotion, recycling, processing and export commodities, etc.
Study on the hatch date and growth of juvenile grass carp from middle reaches of the Yangtze River using daily increment technology

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