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单词 hatch out 例句大全,用单词hatch out造句:

Amphibian Frogs hatch out of eggs.
Eggs hatch as turf comes out of dormancy.
Within a week, small footless larvae hatch out.
Our company will hatch out into Asia this quarter.
Five trays of eggs would hatch out a huge number of silkworms.
It is the very hatch from where a cosmonaut came out to the Moon.
这是一个舱口, 宇航员会从这里出来, 搞个啥月球漫步的。
The eggs are passed out with stool , and hatch into larvae in soil.
虫卵经粪便排出体外, 在泥土内孵化成幼虫。
Seeing the eggs hatch out for the first time is a moment that I will never forget.
I pressed on the gas, stuck out of the hatch showing half of my body and fired a whole ammo clip from my SMG.
我关上油门, 半身探出舱口用冲锋枪打空了一个弹夹。
Finally, the hatch opens and, unaccustomed to the force of gravity, you stagger out amid venting waste gases.
终于, 舱门打开, 你蹒跚着随舱内涌出的污浊气体走了出来。
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单词 hatch out 释义

  • 单词释义:(使)孵出;(使)得出结果, (使)订出  [更多..]



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