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单词 fresh ham 例句大全,用单词fresh ham造句:

Fresh ham, curried beef ?
Fresh Tomato Soup with Torino Ham
Fresh peas minced ham rape leaves
Steamed Fresh Red Grouper with Yunnan Ham
It is called pork when fresh and bacon or ham when cured.
猪肉新鲜的时候叫鲜肉, 腌制的猪肉叫咸肉或火腿。
Filling generally have fresh diced salty, ham, shrimp, etc.
咸馅一般有鲜肉丁 火腿丁, 虾米等。
He likes to have fresh papaya, porridge, ham and eggs and coffee.
Jinhua ham is Both fresh and salty, and can Be conveniently made into a palataBle steamed dish or savory soup.
There was also a small platter of ham and cheese available and some fresh fruit salad, but not really worth the money.
还有小碟的火腿, 奶酪以及新鲜沙拉, 但不算物有所值。
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